Creative studio «Workshop of Creativity»

Creative studio «Workshop of Creativity» invites your children.

Creative work is the formation of a comprehensively intellectual, aesthetically developed creative personality. Promoting the development of initiative, invention and creativity of children in an atmosphere of aesthetic creativity and passion, joint creativity of an adult and a child, through various types of visual and applied activities.

Your children will:

  • develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities in the process of working with various materials;
  • to foster independence, confidence, initiative, interest in artistic experimentation, interest in manual labor, the desire to make crafts, jewelry with their own hands.

Classes are free of charge.

Supervisor: Svetlana Chirko

Make an appointment by phone: +375 (29) 696-04-53

Tuesday, Thursday: 10:00-12:00, 15:30-18:00